Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Does Liberal Democrat Voice need a Lords correspondent?

I ask, because the question has been raised by our noble friend, Lord Greaves, who suggests that it should include more coverage of events from the red benches and their environs.

As someone who has taken more interest in the activities of our (occasionally) ermine clad friends and colleagues, and written on the subject sometimes, I have to say that it is quite hard work. Some of the best work is done in meetings with ministers, through the 'usual channels' and by means of seemingly harmless, but actually quite significant questions. It isn't glamorous, but it is important.

The problem is that, in order to cover it well, you do need to have an interest in, and a knowledge of, the matter at hand. You also need the time to do the research, not as easy a prospect as it might sound... week, after week, after week. Accordingly, I have a lot of time for Paul Walter, whose weekly report on Prime Ministers' Questions has become a regular feature in recent months, and his efforts have now expanded to cover young Nick Clegg's regular trial by ordeal.

So, is there a demand out there for more coverage of the Lords? And if so, is anyone willing to take it on?

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